Update Regarding Board of Trustees Bylaws Changes

Dear CC Alumni,

Recently, the Colorado College Board of Trustees made several bylaw changes that affect the
Board’s nomination, election, and governance processes. You can find a copy of the current
bylaws here. From the perspective of the Colorado College Alumni Association Council (AAC),
the most significant changes are:

  • A uniform four-year term has been implemented for all Board members, with a possible
    renewal for one additional term. Moreover, all Board members are now considered
    Charter Trustees, meaning all have an equal voice.
  • Both the current and immediate past AAC Presidents will serve as Charter Trustees,
    maintaining the AAC as a pathway to the Board.
  • The Young Alumni Trustee (YAT) and Elected Alumni Trustee (EAT) positions have been

The Board met with the AAC and considered our input before making a final decision. We
provided frank feedback and discussed possible implications of the suggested changes. These
changes are meant to strengthen governance practices, improve equity on the Board, ensure
diverse representation, and provide multiple pathways for nomination. Equally important, these
changes will improve collaboration between the two groups.

Additionally, the dialogue with the Board’s Governance Committee informed us that the
changes offer several benefits, including:

  • All Board members will now serve consistent terms.
  • At least two, and up to four, current and past AAC Presidents will sit on the Board of
    Trustees simultaneously.
  • The bylaws require at least two Trustees to have graduated in the last 10 years, ensuring young alumni representation. Current Young Alumni Trustees only serve two-year terms. Under the new structure, young alums can serve up to 8 years, giving them a stronger pathway to Board leadership positions.

Alumni Association Council (AAC) Nominations Open in September
All alums are members of the Alumni Association; the AAC represents the voice of CC alumni
within the college, and shares in the college’s commitment to antiracism and other institutional
priorities. We encourage everyone to consider joining the Council. Alumni may nominate
themselves or a fellow alum for membership. The nomination window opens in September —
stay tuned for a follow-up email with more details.

Please remember that AAC membership is not dependent on an alum’s level of engagement
with CC as a student or their prior philanthropic commitment to the college. AAC members are
committed to supporting and giving back to the college as they are able.

If you have any thoughts about this change to the Board’s governance, please reach out via our
AAC email: AAC@taogoods.net. Also, if you would like us to raise questions, concerns,
ideas, or feedback on other topics to the college, please do not hesitate to write.

Hope everyone is enjoying the end of their summers and getting moments to share with your
favorite people.

Go Tigers!


Jen Rodi Hoglin ‘91
President, Colorado College Alumni Association Council

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/31/2023